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January 13, 2009 04:32 PM UTC

Tuesday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

“The leader must know, must know that he knows, and must be able to make it abundantly clear to those about him that he knows.”

–Clarence B. Randall


40 thoughts on “Tuesday Open Thread

  1. Mike Reilly spent his lifetime chasing the California dream. This year he’s going to look for it in Colorado.

    With a house purchase near Denver in the works, the 38-year-old engineering contractor plans to move his family 1,200 miles away from his home state’s lemon groves, sunshine and beaches. For him, years of rising taxes, dead-end schools, unchecked illegal immigration and clogged traffic have robbed the Golden State of its allure.

    He won’t find clogged roads, but over the last decade Denver residents have seen yearly tax increases promoted most recently by that guy who didn’t get the Senate appointment.

    GOP please shhhh … don’t let them know Denver is a sanctuary city.

    1. What’s he looking at in the photo? The death of the American dream?

      Californians who move here should have to bring their individual water rights and reassign them upstream to Colorado. Otherwise, no dice.

      1. …yet we have the Guvernator professing that in addition to his federal bailout he needs to spend, spend, spend.

        For him, years of rising taxes, dead-end schools, unchecked illegal immigration and clogged traffic have robbed the Golden State of its allure.

        Financial adviser Barry Hartz lived in California for 60 years and once ran for state Assembly before relocating with his wife last year to Colorado Springs, Colo., where his son’s family had moved.

        I am sure that is exactly what these guys are thinking … man that Democrat governor in Colorado, he is the real reason I need to go to Colorado.

      1. But since this is a 2nd-hand post by you, he gets the ridicule. Well, you do as well.

        When Bob Schaffer brought in the Home-Skooled Cali Repub Scabs to campaign for him at the CBS4 Debate, I did invite the parents to relocate to Colorado. More than one said they were considering it, but only if Schaffer won.

        I guess they stayed.

      2. I just cleared out all the traffic from the Denver metropolitan area for this man, this hero, this pilgrim, the first man ever to move from California to Colorado! Welcome, you prince of Modesto, you king of Newport Beach!

        (Please read this while humming “Also sprach Zarathustra” to yourself.)

    2. Sheer population growth is the biggest factor.  It was about 22 million when I arrived in 1982, in the high 20’s when I left in 1993, it’s now 50% more.  Kids, that’s only two and a half decades!

      Within that growth, the resident demographics have changed a lot.  Due to both legal and illegal immigrants, the income and educational levels have plummeted.  Many more people on the dole, Medicaid, under the table workers depriving the state of taxes.

      When I returned to Colorado I like to joke that yes, I came from CA but as a former resident I go to the head of the line.  

  2. Senator Bennet did a fine job at the Mesa State College event.

    Don’t know why I care, but if you want to see how to dress down for us hicks with your oldest pair of jeans than here you link:

    The funniest part of the meeting was Governor Ritter.  He handle some tough Medicare questions in a nice calm dignified way.  But when asked an oil and gas question and his rules impact on jobs Governor Ritter became red in the face and his voice was angry.  He actually said “we are done” and ended the meeting 15 minutes early.

    A long time GJ Democrat was heard to say “we came to hear the Senator, not Ritter”.  Obviously he was not happy the Governor was answering the questions and cutting the meeting short.  

    Here’s my proposal.  I will get off my high horse on dressing down if Senator Bennet will quite hanging with the Governor.  

    Finally, Senator Bennet started the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance which was a nice touch. The Daily Sentinel gave Bennet 3/4 of the front page with photos and pullout quotes.

    Senator Bennet had a good day.  

    1. “we are done” … that just might be the CD3 and CD4 electorate response to a certain 2010 statewide race. 😉

      On the photo … the Superintendent is so Kennedy-like … he looks just like the White House portrait with Kennedy with hand in jacket pocket, so elitist and east-coasty. His look says steer clear, Yaleman here.

    2. I agree that Bennet did pretty well.  The funny part was Ritter’s total inability to have a civil discussion with real people on oil and gas issues.  He handled other questions fine, but when the subject turned to energy development he just got mad.

      Doesn’t do the state much good to create a few new jobs on the front range while shutting down 50% of the rigs and several thousand jobs on this side of the hill.

      1. You get the felling the Governor knows he has screwed up but he is unable of admitting the mistake or taking corrective action.  

        I am never voting for another DA for higher office again.  

      2. If there was a more concerted effort to move away from oil and gas drilling and into renewable energy, then there would be more jobs available to the people who are getting laid off.

        Do you maybe think that some of the oil and gas jobs are getting cut because gas is $1.40? On top of that, we’re in a severe recession.

        I am prepared to believe that some of the jobs that have been lost in the O&G industry have been because of tougher regulations. However, I find it impossible to believe that those regulations are the only factor–especially when other businesses are suffering just as much.

        Why is it that the O&G industry is the only part of our economy not being affected by this recession? Whenever I hear pundits or lobbyists talk about it, all they can talk about are the regulations.

        1. All three issues have added to the nearly 40% reduction in rigs operating in Western Colorado.  But here is the real question: when the price goes back up and the economy recovers, will the rigs return to Colorado.  My guess is no, because the rigs are headed to the new shale fields in Louisiana, Alabama, Georgia, West Virginia, the Dakotas and Penn.  

          A good price and strong economy make the new fields more valuable as well. Colorado must compete for the future investment.  Regulation is all Colorado can control.  Colorado is far from encouraging new investment.

          When the national economy recovers and Colorado lags (historically true) it will be blamed on Ritter’s Rules.  I am beating this will occur in the Summer of 2010.  Bummer for a reelection bid.      

          1. And I don’t think our ridiculously low severance tax is discouraging development.

            I don’t claim to be an expert on this by any means, and I want to learn more about it.

            One thing I’ll say is that your description of Ritter’s reaction when O&G was brought up was less than encouraging. I wasn’t there, but if others got the same impression as you, he definitely has some work to do on discussing that issue with voters.

            1. The guy was a Kathy Hall plant.  He was on a mission.

              He owns two sections in a township where the other 34 sections are Federal land.  He says the reason nobody wants to drill on HIS two square miles is because of the new oil and gas regs.  Never mind that companies would rather drill on public land because there’s no landowner to pay royalties to, just the Bushie feds who will let you drill for a song.  This guy was convinced that he’s getting screwed by the Oil and Gas Commission, not by the oil companies who won’t deal with him because he wants money.

              Everyone else in the audience had a question.  This guy had an agenda.  Ritter spent 10 minutes going back and forth with the guy, but all the guy wanted to do was argue.

              Finally, to the relief of everyone else in the audience, Ritter moved on and took more questions.

    3. You can’t win either way.  Either he’s “dressing down for the hicks” or, holy crap, that Ivy League twit wore a 3 piece suit on the Western Slope !  Nobody does that – he just dosen’t get it !


      1. Here in Lake County when they show up in jeans we think they know where they were coming. The only folks in suits, outside of Mother’s Day and Easter, are on their way to court or a funeral.

              1. the uniform on the Hill by young Ivy League types(and those that wanted to be) was the blue blazer, khaki slacks, blue button-down oxford cloth shirt, school tie and the bass weejuns (or lookalike penny loafers) with no socks.

                You will still see individuals of a certain age and mindset wearing the uniform.

                (on weekends or for more causal dress, look for the madras shirt, shorts and sperry topsiders with no socks).

                Rough equivalent of the cowboy boots, etc. for state-wide political candidates in Colorado.

                1. one of the many reasons I left the East Coast forever.  I don’t know how many total dickheads I’ve had to endure during that time in that type of “uniform”.  Good riddance.

    4. 1. It was not Bennet who led the pledge. Ritter and Bennet were not yet in the room. It was one of the advance guys who did. Bennet didn’t start the meeting. Ritter made remarks first, then Bennet.

      2. Ritter did not say, “we are done.” It did not happen.

      3. The meeting was not cut short.

      4. Bennet and Ritter were dressed no differently than most of the people there. See, some of us on the Western Slope like to hear what politicians have to say, not obsess about how they look. Isn’t the drumbeat of 527-driven campaign ads enough for you? Do you really look for image over substance?

      But I wonder what substance you were on to give this crazy account of what happened. I mean, if Ritter really said “we are done,” don’t you think the three television stations and at least three newspaper reporters there would have noticed?

      1. but doesn’t that side of the conversation belong on the Denver site? 🙂

        Meanwhile, why does our Lt. Gov. want a new job?  Especially if the selection is all but done, that kind of sends a message, yeah?  If she really wants to quit I’ll be happy to take over.  I wouldn’t mind getting paid to wait for Ritter to take trips or die.  Sounds easy.

        1. before the selection was completed, letting the school board know she was interested in being considered. It sends the message the lt. gov. position doesn’t give a talented public servant much to do, and who’s going to argue with that?

            1. Great idea except when they’re from opposite parties. It’s not a bad idea, but I’d rather find some real duties for the Lt. Gov. other than waiting for the governor to die or get plucked to the U.S. Cabinet.  

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